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Privacy Policy

The privacy and cookies policy describes the principles of processing information about you by us, including personal data and cookies.

1. General information

  1. This policy applies to the website www.bigcards.eu.
  2. The operator of the service and the Administrator of personal data is: BIG CARDS sp. z o.o. Zwierzyniecka 32/40 60-814 Poznań.
  3. Operator’s email contact address: support@bigcards.eu.
  4. The Operator is the Administrator of your personal data concerning the data provided voluntarily on the Website.
  5. The Service uses personal data for the following purposes:
    • Managing newsletters
    • Handling inquiries through forms
    • Preparation, packaging, and shipping of goods
    • Fulfillment of ordered services
    • Presentation of offers or information
  6. The Service collects information about users and their behavior in the following ways:
    • Through voluntarily entered data in forms, which are entered into the Operator’s systems.
    • By storing cookie files (so-called “cookies”) on end devices.

2.Selected data protection methods used by the Operator:

1. Login and data entry areas are protected in the transmission layer (SSL certificate). As a result, personal data and login information entered on the website are encrypted on the user’s computer and can only be read on the target server.
2. Personal data stored in the database is encrypted in such a way that only the Operator possessing the key can read it. This ensures that the data is protected in case the database is stolen from the server.
3. The Operator periodically changes their administrative passwords.
4. To protect data, the Operator regularly performs backup copies.
5. Regular updating of all software used by the Operator to process personal data is an important element of data protection, including regular updates of software components.

3. Hosting
  1. The service is hosted (technically maintained) on servers provided by the operator: cyberFolks.pl

  1. Your rights and additional information about the use of data

1. In some situations, the Administrator has the right to transfer your personal data to other recipients if it is necessary to fulfill the contract with you or to fulfill the obligations incumbent on the Administrator. This applies to such groups of recipients:
   – hosting company on the basis of entrustment
   – couriers
   – payment operators
   – authorized employees and associates who use data to achieve the purpose of the website’s operation
   – companies providing marketing services on behalf of the Administrator
2. Your personal data processed by the Administrator will not be stored longer than necessary for the activities related to them specified by separate regulations (e.g., accounting). Regarding marketing data, the data will not be processed for more than 3 years.
3. You have the right to request from the Administrator:
   – access to your personal data,
   – their rectification,
   – erasure,
   – restriction of processing,
   – and data portability.
4. You have the right to object to the processing referred to in point 3.3 c) regarding the processing of personal data for the purpose of legitimate interests pursued by the Administrator, including profiling, provided that the right to object cannot be exercised if there are compelling legitimate grounds for processing, overriding your interests, rights, and freedoms, in particular the establishment, exercise, or defense of legal claims.
5. You have the right to lodge a complaint with the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection, ul. Stawki 2, 00-193 Warsaw, Poland.
6. Providing personal data is voluntary but necessary to use the Service.
7. Actions may be taken against you involving automated decision-making, including profiling, to provide services under the contract and for direct marketing conducted by the Administrator.
8. Personal data are not transferred to third countries within the meaning of the provisions on the protection of personal data. This means that they are not transmitted outside the European Union territory.

5. Informacje w formularzach

1. Serwis zbiera informacje podane dobrowolnie przez użytkownika, w tym dane osobowe, o ile zostaną one podane.
2. Serwis może zapisać informacje o parametrach połączenia (oznaczenie czasu, adres IP).
3. Serwis, w niektórych wypadkach, może zapisać informację ułatwiającą powiązanie danych w formularzu z adresem e-mail użytkownika wypełniającego formularz. W takim wypadku adres e-mail użytkownika pojawia się wewnątrz adresu url strony zawierającej formularz.
4. Dane podane w formularzu są przetwarzane w celu wynikającym z funkcji konkretnego formularza, np. w celu dokonania procesu obsługi zgłoszenia serwisowego lub kontaktu handlowego, rejestracji usług itp. Każdorazowo kontekst i opis formularza w czytelny sposób informuje, do czego on służy.

6. Administration Logs

1.User behavior information on the website may be subject to logging. This data is used for the purpose of administering the service.

7. Istotne techniki marketingowe

1. Operator stosuje analizę statystyczną ruchu na stronie, poprzez Google Analytics (Google Inc. z siedzibą w USA). Operator nie przekazuje do operatora tej usługi danych osobowych, a jedynie zanonimizowane informacje. Usługa bazuje na wykorzystaniu ciasteczek w urządzeniu końcowym użytkownika. W zakresie informacji o preferencjach użytkownika gromadzonych przez sieć reklamową Google użytkownik może przeglądać i edytować informacje wynikające z plików cookies przy pomocy narzędzia: https://www.google.com/ads/preferences/
2. Operator stosuje techniki remarketingowe, pozwalające na dopasowanie przekazów reklamowych do zachowania użytkownika na stronie, co może dawać złudzenie, że dane osobowe użytkownika są wykorzystywane do jego śledzenia, jednak w praktyce nie dochodzi do przekazania żadnych danych osobowych od Operatora do operatorom reklam. Technologicznym warunkiem takich działań jest włączona obsługa plików cookie.
3. Operator stosuje korzysta z piksela Facebooka. Ta technologia powoduje, że serwis Facebook (Facebook Inc. z siedzibą w USA) wie, że dana osoba w nim zarejestrowana korzysta z Serwisu. Bazuje w tym wypadku na danych, wobec których sam jest administratorem, Operator nie przekazuje od siebie żadnych dodatkowych danych osobowych serwisowi Facebook. Usługa bazuje na wykorzystaniu ciasteczek w urządzeniu końcowym użytkownika.

8. Cookies information

1. The service uses cookies.
2. Cookies (so-called “cookies”) are computer data, in particular text files, which are stored on the end device of the Service User and are intended for using the website of the Service. Cookies usually contain the name of the website they come from, the time of storing them on the end device, and a unique number.
3. The entity placing cookies on the end device of the Service User and accessing them is the operator of the Service.
4. Cookies are used for the following purposes:
1. maintaining the user’s session on the Service (after logging in), so that the user does not have to re-enter their login and password on each subpage of the Service;
2. achieving the goals specified above in the “Essential marketing techniques” section;
5. Within the Service, two basic types of cookies are used: “session” cookies and “persistent” cookies. “Session” cookies are temporary files that are stored on the user’s end device until logging out, leaving the website, or turning off the software (web browser). “Persistent” cookies are stored on the user’s end device for the time specified in the cookie parameters or until they are deleted by the User.
6. The web browsing software (web browser) usually allows cookies to be stored on the user’s end device by default. Service users can change their settings in this regard. The web browser allows you to delete cookies. It is also possible to automatically block cookies. Detailed information on this topic is provided in the help or documentation of the web browser.
7. Limitations on the use of cookies may affect some functionalities available on the Service’s websites.
8. Cookies placed on the end device of the Service User may also be used by entities cooperating with the operator of the Service, in particular, this applies to companies: Google (Google Inc. based in the USA), Facebook (Facebook Inc. based in the USA), Twitter (Twitter Inc. based in the USA).

9.Managing cookies – how to give and withdraw consent in practice?

1. If the user does not want to receive cookies, they can change their browser settings. Please note that disabling cookies necessary for authentication processes, security, and maintaining user preferences may make it difficult, and in extreme cases may prevent the use of websites.
2. To manage cookie settings, select your internet browser from the list below and follow the instructions:
– Edge
– Internet Explorer
– Chrome
– Safari
– Firefox
– Opera
Mobile devices:
– Android
– Safari (iOS)
– Windows Phone

This website uses cookies. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience Learn more about how we process your personal data and cookies on our Privacy Policy page.